
Showing posts from April, 2019

Missing You

My lovely wife is less than 7 days from a procedure that may transform her life. I am praying for her and will be heading home this Friday to spend the week with her during and after the procedure. Once she heals we have plans to explore the area from Chicago to New Orleans and the east coast this year.

AirBnB Adventures Contunied .... again

--> Well, I am about a dozen or so bookings in in several cities and I have to say I love it. I'll never go back to staying in hotels if I can help it. So many interesting places decorated in so many variations each according to the local vibe.  I  have really enjoyed staying in one periocular area in St Louis. Benton Park. Close to down town and the place I am currently staying at is so cool. One block from a Budweiser plant with entertainment an dining all around me. My wife is really going to love shopping for vintage good here.   I like this place downtown so much I have decided to book it for the month. The owner is a really cool musician in the local music scene